In a viral video, India batter Virat Kohli and his wife Anushka Sharma were spotted in Vrindavan to seek blessings from Radhavallaj Lal Ji. The couple seems to be on a spiritual journey as the latest video comes days after Kohli and Anushka visited Premanandji Maharaj in Vrindavan. Kohli returned home last week after the conclusion of the Border-Gavaskar Trophy, where he scored just 190 runs across six innings. Kohli and Anushka often visit spiritual leaders to seek blessings, whether it is India or the UK.
Virat Kohli & @AnushkaSharma Seeks Blessings Of Gurudev & Radhavallabh Lal Ji In Vrindavan.#Virushka #Vrindavan @imVkohli
— virat_kohli_18_club (@KohliSensation) January 15, 2025
Meanwhile, the BCCI is set to implement stricter protocols during Team India's tours, according to a report in ESPNcricinfo.
The report added that BCCI will limit the players spending time with their families on tours. The players will also be barred from taking independent transport to commute during practice and matches.
For a tour of 45 days, the family members of the players can only be with them for not more than 14 days. Meanwhile, during shorter tours in foreign countries, the immediate family members of a play can stay up to a week.
According to ESPNcricinfo, Team India skipper Rohit Sharma, head coach Gautam Gambhir and chief selector Ajit Agarkar met the BCCI officials in Mumbai last Saturday and were informed of the new protocols.
Team India conceded a disappointing 3-1 defeat to Australia in the recently concluded Border-Gavaskar Trophy 2024-25 and lost the opportunity to qualify for the World Test Championship (WTC) Final at Lord's.
Skipper Rohit Sharma and star batter Virat Kohli came under fire for an underwhelming Border-Gavaskar Trophy campaign and overall a very disappointing 2024/25 season of Test cricket. Sharma (31 runs in three matches and five innings at an average of 6.20) and Virat Kohli (190 runs in five matches and nine innings at an average of 23.75 with a century) lacked big time with the bat. Virat fell for the outside-off-stump trap throughout the series, most notably by pacer Scott Boland who dismissed him four times.
(With ANI Inputs)
from NDTV News- Special
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