The highly anticipated Telugu thriller Pothugadda, directed by Raksha Veeran, is set to make its OTT debut on January 30, 2025, after facing several delays. Originally scheduled for release in November 2024, the film's premiere was pushed to align with the Pongal festival before being confirmed for its digital debut. The film combines a gripping love story with a politically charged plot, following a young couple whose romantic getaway turns into a fight for survival after their bus is hijacked, leading them into a world of danger and intrigue.
When and Where to Watch Pothugadda
The movie will premiere exclusively on the OTT platform ETV Win. After facing multiple postponements, the thriller is now ready for streaming on January 30, 2025. The delays, attributed to undisclosed reasons, heightened audience anticipation, making this release a notable digital event.
Official Trailer and Plot of Pothugadda
The trailer of Pothugadda offers glimpses of its intense and layered storyline, promising a rollercoaster of emotions. The narrative intertwines a romantic journey with a political conspiracy, leading to high-stakes drama. The story unfolds as a young couple embarks on a trip that takes a sinister turn when their bus is hijacked by mysterious individuals. What begins as a romantic escapade evolves into a desperate fight for survival, set against a backdrop of political intrigue and danger. The tagline "A Tale of Love" highlights the emotional depth of the film, which complements its action-packed sequences.
Cast and Crew of Pothugadda
The film features Shatru and Prasanth Karthi in lead roles, supported by newcomers Vismaya Sri, Venky, Prudhvi Dandamudi and Aadvik Bandaru. Director Raksha Veeran also penned the screenplay, while Anupama Chandra and Sharath Chandra Reddy produced the project. Rahul Shrivastav handled cinematography, with Shravan Bharadwaj composing the music. Marcus M provided the background score that enhances the suspenseful atmosphere of the film.
from Gadgets 360
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